My best reads from 2013

How did you celebrate the close of 2013? Some champagne with friends or loved ones? How about thrashing about on a dance floor, the exertion forcing beads of sweat to your brow? Perhaps you had a quiet one, tucked up in bed and asleep before the clocks struck midnight?


Celebrate the end of 2013 and the beginning of 2014 – the year of accomplishment.

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What 2 months without Coffee looks like…

Lead up to October…

I’d decided many moons ago I wanted to have a costume party for my 30th, but I had too many options available for my costume and I couldn’t decide. So I spent a long time searching the web for amazing costume ideas, costume shops (the family friendly kind and even some of the ‘adult’ kind) and while searching I kept stumbling across these Faun or Satyr legs that people were making. They looked amazing and I kept thinking about how great it would be if I could get someone to make them for me. I researched it – they were quite expensive – so I forgot about them. I kept searching. I’d decided I was going to dress up as a Geisha, Ursula from The Little Mermaid, Belle from Beauty and the Beast, a vampire queen and many, many others.

Over the months leading up to my party in September I picked a costume, would go to find the parts needed, couldn’t find them and have to start the process over again. I kept running into these amazing photos of the Satyr legs and horns and what not and kept getting drawn to them. I started stockpiling the photos of these half goat men and women with legs and hooves and horns. I think people would have thought I’d gone a bit loopy if they’d seen my browsing history. Finally, we got to about 6 weeks out from the party and I needed to decide. I picked the Satyr.

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The Dark Duet ~ taboo kink, dark romance or something else?

The Dark Duet series ~ a look at the books that have divided readers across Goodreads.

C. J. Roberts created two books, Captive in the Dark and Seduced in the Dark. Two books that worked together and then due to fan pressure, a third book, an Epilogue was added to the series. What is interesting is that the Goodreads community has been split up over the content of these books.

Let’s see what you think…

***Warning – this post contains adult material that may be offensive to some people and is definitely not suitable for children and perhaps some slight spoilers***


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Playing with colour

I was sitting at my computer the other day, I probably should have been working on my novel, but the words just aren’t coming when I think about Bal or Eve, so instead I stared blankly at the screen, the spiteful little cursor blinking fiendishly at me. I put on some music, I’m working my through a music playlist put together by someone else on Spotify (there’s been some good writing tracks!) and this tumbled out of my mind and onto the screen. Continue reading

When blood-soaked hands are a good thing…

This made me laugh entirely too much! Source:

This made me laugh entirely too much!

No, I haven’t been on a killing spree (although my trainer asked me this morning if I’d been to Melbourne recently as he nodded to the news coverage of the recent double murder down that way) I don’t think I look like a killer!

I am of course!

But only when referring to that time when a writer must kill off a character in their work.

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Inspiration and encouragement

Normally I write about things in a primarily writerly or readerly sense here, but today, I feel that I need to highlight something I’ve been talking about with a few of my friends that spans across ones whole life.

The need for inspiration and encouragement in your life and the effect that can have on you.

Yes! You can! Photo credit:

Yes! You can!
Photo credit:

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