Review: Cage of Light

3 stars

Read from 30 October to 20 November, 2020


Surreal dreams of love and death

Henry Dark has long believed that the world around him is a thin veil masking the true reality of existence.  Strange events start taking place, inducing him to take a trip West with his beloved wife Alice.  Their trip leads to the Lagoon of Lost Loves as well as a riddle duel with the King of the Trolls.

Is there such a thing as meaning? Henry asks himself, as he struggles to understand the very words he uses.  Is language a Cage of Light that captures meaning, or has the meaning escaped?  And does the trip they’ve taken draw Henry and Alice closer together, or is she to be a sacrifice in his search for the truth?

If you’ve ever asked yourself, “What is it with all these words and do they have anything to do with meaning?” then this is the book for you.  Surreal and absurd, using language to express what can’t be expressed with language, Cage of Light will have you wondering if you ever understood anything in the first place.

Scroll back to the top and start your voyage with Henry and Alice.  You never know where it’ll lead.

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Review: Shauna’s Inheritance

Shauna's Inheritance by Tara K. Young

2 stars

Read on 14 May, 2017

Synopsis: Shauna’s birthday brings little to celebrate this year. Her mother is dying of an illness that has baffled doctors. What she cannot grasp is why her mother is indifferent to her own mortality. When Shauna discovers a strange locket in her mother’s room, she learns the truth behind her mother’s health. What seemed to be indifference was something much worse.

Bookish Things: 15 pages. The cover is very basic and looks like it’s been done on a budget.

Where to buy: It used to be available on Amazon, but it looks like it isn’t any longer.

My Review: 

Shauna’s inheritance is a short fantasy story. Set in the real world, it follows Shauna, a young woman, on her birthday dealing with her mother mysteriously getting sicker and sicker without explanation. Doesn’t sound very fantasy-like does it?

There is a fantasy element, but it comes into the piece quite late. Very little happens in this story, and the events that do are not really explained. The idea is interesting, but it left too much missing from the story to make it have any sort of impact on the reader.

Review: Restoration

Restoration by Greg F. Gifune

2 stars

Read from 22-23 April, 2017

Synopsis: When Mike, a beat cop, accidentally shoots and kills a little boy while chasing a robbery suspect, his life is shattered, his career destroyed. Drowning in guilt and a mounting drinking problem, Mike is certain his existence cannot possibly get any worse…until that same little boy returns. Suddenly Mike sees him everywhere he looks. Watching…waiting…but for what?

Once the dead have found you, there is no forgiveness, there is no turning back. There is only RESTORATION.

Bookish Things: Very short, although I’m uncertain about actual page numbers. The cover is suitably creepy though. Continue reading

2017 Review: The Seduction



Read: January 6th, 2017.

Synopsis: The first time Erica saw the black, low-slung sports car, she felt shock at its sensual pull deep within her soul — but when she began to succumb to its whispered promises, she didn’t suspect she might be losing more than her mind.

This 1500-word paranormal tale is a ‘short-short’ story from the “Monsters in the Machines” collection by Roh Morgon. An excerpt from her novel “Watcher: Book I of The Chosen” is included.

Bookish Things: 7 pages. This is a short story, but I quite like the cover. Very apt.

Where to buy: Amazon on kindle for $0.78 or Smashwords for free.

My Review: 

Insta-love of the right variety, this short piece takes the reader on a journey with Erica, the woman who falls in love with the car of her dreams.

A great mix of seductive writing and technical information, this one certainly packs a punch. My favourite part was the freeway ride.

Definitely worth the few minutes time investment.


Review: Fox Chase by Jeff Young



Synopsis: Fox Chase- a steampunk short story. There is no polite way to meet over a dead body. But for Kassandra Leyden, who speaks to the dead for a living, these can things happen. Her new acquaintance, Manfred Bremstrung, has one purpose in mind- protect the King’s nephew. Kassandra finds herself working side by side with Bremstrung to protect the young royal against deadly creatures with murderous intent. Sometimes the fox is not the only unfortunate to be hunted. Continue reading

Review: Un-Conventional



Synopsis: Two nerds at a sci-fi convention make a new friend…

Bookish Things: 8 pages. The cover is simple but eye catching in bright yellow.

Where to buy: Amazon on kindle for $0.97.

My Review: 

Bookshelves: awesome-authors, 4-star-review, aliens, indie-authorsci-fi, smirk-worthy

Recommended for: Sci-fi fans

Well this was a fun little tale. I thoroughly enjoyed the characters and even the backstory of a slightly strange sci-fi show with a small but loyal following of fans, even though I’m not a huge sci-fi fan myself.

This was amusing and very enjoyable. If you feel like trying one of Tony’s short stories I would recommend this one.