Out Now: Wanted for Indulgence, Trained for Greed!!


Wanted for Indulgence, Trained for Greed is out now on kindle and paperback from Amazon from $2.99!

Initial reviews are slowly starting to come in at 4.5 stars out of 5.

If you pick up a copy please get in touch either here or on Goodreads and let me know what you thought.

NaNoWriMo Day 22 update

So I’ve been busy writing book 6 and mostly hitting the daily word goal. You can see in the above image it’s dipped below that grey line a few times, but not by much. I hit my word goal for day 22, stopping in at a total of 36,904 words.

So far, book 6 is shaping up to be around the same length as Magnolia’s story and a similar sort of feel. It’s certainly not pure smut, but it’s also not what I’d call a romance either.

I’m looking into a few alternative genre types to see if anything else fits better.

My first thought was perhaps it could come under erotic literary fiction. When I look into what literary fiction is defined as:

Now if you’d asked me a few years ago if I’d go anywhere near literary fiction I’d probably have laughed in your face and called you nuts. But, given my goal for the last two books I’ve published, and this one, is to showcase real world issues that occur in the kink community I think they might just fit into that literary fiction genre.

Scared face cat Photo credit: http://flic.kr/p/6dYmZN
Blank face look.

What do you think?

NaNoWriMo Day 4 update

My NaNo count for the end of day 4 is at 6737 / 50000 which is a hundred or so words above the daily word goal. I’m doing well, the structure of my story is coming together.

I’ve only added three chapters to my planned 12 so far, but I already know there’s going to be at least another one or two coming. The aim of 35,000 words in total will probably blow out to at least 45,000 or so knowing me.

First chapter is currently a kink scene, and there’s a few others sprinkled throughout, some with sex, some without. Also some vanilla sex, interesting twist of events… hopefully I can still write that well…

#NaNoWriMo attempt for book 6

Here’s to another attempt at completing NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month for those who aren’t in the know. It’s the crazy plan of writerly people all over the globe to write 50,000 words in the month of November.

That’s 1667 words a day every day for a whole month.

The plan is to write (at least 35,000 words) in November and edit and publish book 6 in December. So keep your eyes peeled for Wanted for Indulgence, Trained for Greed in December if things go according to plan!

Wanted for Indulgence, Trained for Greed cover on an ipad with a cup of coffee.

Who else is doing NaNoWriMo this month?