My most read authors 26 – 13

Goodreads has a fantastic little statistical section that shows you a number of cool stats about your reading, ranging from how many books you’ve read this year, or ever. Also, how many pages you’ve read by year, and the year of publication of the books you have read just to name a few.  One of the really awesomely cool stats that I found shows you the most amount of books you’ve read by any one author. Here’s a few from my list.

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Mmm… what a seat, that’s my kind of place!
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#21 is shared by six authors. I’ve read four of their books to date. These authors include, in no particular order:


#16 is also populated by a group of authors. Jostling with each other in this spot are five authors, all of which have given me five of their books to read over the years.


I think I need bigger podiums for the authors. #13 is currently home to three authors, I’ve read six of their books.

If you have Goodreads, let me know who you’ve read the most of. If you don’t, which author do you think you’ve read the most of? Share them below.

6 thoughts on “My most read authors 26 – 13

  1. I’m bouncing that I’m top of the list, even if it was generated randomly! 🙂

  2. That’s a very impressive list 😉

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